Japan ICT Learning Inc. 应用

Honki JLPT - N2, N3, N4 2.9
For JLPT to practice words, Kanjis, grammars and listening. LevelN4, N3 and N2
Choukai - Hội thoại tiếng Nhật 2.0
Practice listening and speaking Japanese with everyday commonsentence patterns
毎日テスト~日本語マスター~ 3.5
Honki is a regular test app for people who study has been completedof the Basic1 or Basic2 de Nihongo.
HonkiBasic - Learn japanese 7.6
Japanese app for beginners (N4-N5 levels in Minnano Nihongo &Shin Nihongo.)
Kiraku Japanese Game 1.0
This is a shooting game to learn basic Japanese words (N5 & N4)with fun
博多弁 1.3
An app for people who like Hakata, people who live in Hakata,especially foreigners. Let's master Hakata dialect with abundantsentences and voices. There is also a lot of local information suchas Hakata / Fukuoka specialties and place names.
Kaigo Tokutei 1.3
Good app for Nursing Care Skills/JP Lang. Test by experts basedonMHLW textbook